News - Sotos Class Actions

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Move on back! One tool to deal with inappropriate motions

Move on back! One tool to deal with inappropriate motions

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The costs of litigating in Ontario – Making the “offer to settle” rules work for you

The costs of litigating in Ontario – Making the “offer to settle” rules work for you

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US Supreme Court allows use of sampling on certification: What does this mean to Canada?

US Supreme Court allows use of sampling on certification: What does this mean to Canada?

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Litigation Costs in Ontario: Where the loser pays and the winner… also pays?

Litigation Costs in Ontario: Where the loser pays and the winner… also pays?

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Letters rogatory: tips for compelling Canadian evidence in foreign court proceedings

Letters rogatory: tips for compelling Canadian evidence in foreign court proceedings

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Automobile Dealers and Privacy Law

Automobile Dealers and Privacy Law

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“Pay for Delay” gets a Closer Look in Canada

“Pay for Delay” gets a Closer Look in Canada

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What you don’t (reasonably) know can’t hurt you - Discoverability applies to claims under Part VI of the Competition Act

What you don’t (reasonably) know can’t hurt you - Discoverability applies to claims under Part VI of the Competition Act

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